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Memory of a Goldfish

Brain training

I, In, Ran, Rib, Rain, Nab, A, An, Air, Ban, Bar, Bin, Bra, Barn, Bran, Brain

The Letter Game!


Using each letter only once, use the letters below to write as many words as you can! You do not have to use every letter for each word.

When you have finished, please submit your words in the form to the left!



The Pairs Game!

Here's a pairs game for you to have a play with.... Go on you know you want to!

Apples, Bananas, Carrots, Bacon, A crate of Beer, Shampoo, Crisps, A Bottle of Wine, Sweets and a Pair of Shoes.

The Shopping Game!

Listen to the following track once, after you have listened to the track write down all of the items that you can remember!




Don't cheat! Only fill in the form after you've finished listening to the track!

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